Monday, April 06, 2009

.25 by 25.

Inspired by Megan I decided to begin a list of goals for me to complete by the time I turn 25. Unfortunately, I have only nine months ot achieve them (so some might seem like a cop-out)! I used to have a wonderful notebook that was filled with random lists. I had it alongside my proper diary and only updated it once in a while. Among other things, it contained a list of ambitions (much like the one I posted recently), letters to my future soulmate and my honest opinions of those in my life the time.

So, here we go... this might take me a while...

1. Have healthy, long(er) hair. I went crazy with it three years ago (bleach, bleach, bleach, pink, blue, purple, red, bleach, pink) and now my hair just won't grow. This might have to do with the fact that I cut it when I'm bored or that I'm still dying it but sitll! It is growing slower than a snail slimes!
2. Send my completed novel out to publishers and/or agents.
3. Have an amazing first kiss.
4. Print some of my zillion photos.
5. Get a hyper cool camera.
6. Get super sharp calf muscles.
7. Get my teeth whitened.
8. Buy an incredibly hot bikini.
9. Brush up on my French.
10. Visit a new country (kind of cheating since I'm going to Brussels at the end of the month).
11. Compile enough poetry for a book.
12. Save up some serious cash.
13. Get my nose pierced... again.
14. Wash my teddy bear.
15. Write three children's stories.
16. Ride my bicycle.
17. Sew on all the missing buttons of my clothes.
18. Go to one of those cafes where you can paint mugs and stuff.
19. Embellish one of my tattoos.
20. Learn how to cook. Scrambled eggs don't count.
21. Put more shelves up in my room (come on Daddy).
22. Stand ballerina straight all the time.
23. Make those goddamn Red Velvet cupcakes, the recipe of which has been on my fridge since November.
24. Draw a birthday present for my sister.
25. Get rid of some clothes.

That was harder than I thought it would be. And my goals are much more boring than I thought they would be.

Friday, April 03, 2009

,Pomegranates, Popcorn and Pearls.

There is a site called Authonomy which is aimed at helping writers get notice and, hopfully, published. I posted the first draft of my novel there the other day and so far the feedback has been... well, pretty perfect. If you're bored or looking for something new to read or just flat-out interested, feel free to wander over and have a look. I'm pretty sure you need to register first but then a whole new world of books opens up to you. The title of my novel is also the title of this post. If you like what you read, back me up dudes! Put me on the shelf! (The Authonomy shelf is not to be confused with the spinster shelf which has, I feel, a certain stigma clinging to it.)

On Sunday night I smelt the summer whispering to me in the honeysuckle air. It was divine. I felt light and happy. I have started sleeping with my limbs poking out of the covers and with the window open. The breezes are warmer and breathing seems thicker somehow. I love summer. My summers flow with watermelon and white dresses, heat-drenched sand, frappes, island hopping, ripe brown tans and wine and poker on balconies. Good morning summer.