Saturday, August 29, 2009

My Other Half Is Not A Man, It's My Left Side

I feel like I live two lives. There is the half that is bright and juicy and warm and then there is the half that is empty and grey and moot. I love life and I'm very lucky in many ways, in most ways actually, and yet I cannot shake off the sense that my life is quite often a void. Is Loneliness a regular guest in most people's lives? 'Cos I feel like it's my wife. Or husband. Either way I'm its bitch. No wonder I can't hold down a relationship; that would be bigamy and I've never been a cheater. It's starting to get a bit frustrating now. Isn't it about time that The Universe gave me a break?
On the plus side, I'm getting September tingles and they feel awesome, like mini orgasm replacements! Here are a few things I'd like to accomplish this year:

1. Get a job that will take me in some sort of direction.
2. Send my novel off to more agents.
3. Do some travelling.
4. Be super-toned.
5. Commit more random acts of kindness.
6. Read a classic.
7. Make some new Friends.

Wow, I would love a glass of wine right now. And someone random to call me for a chat and a smoke on my balcony. Or even someone specific. Shit this is a boring Saturday night! Yet suddenly I feel cheerful! This is funny! My life is funny!

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